Ken Pope
Jonah came to live with us 17 years ago, a victim of abuse so severe it resulted in the loss of his left front leg. Relying on 3 legs never slowed him down or limited where he could go--He would gallop around the house, leap into your arms, or jump to the top of a cabinet, of banister, or--as you can see from this photo--of the tallest cat tree:
Jonah instantly made friends with the other special-needs cats and dogs who live in our home as part of our family. Here he's hanging out in front of the fire with Maxx, an elderly blind dog with severe cardiomyopathy and a brain tumor, and Pandora (the white dog on the hearth), born with one eye and a heart defect:
Sharing a hug with Calypso, an eyeless cat with vestibular disorder:
Jonah in his favorite window seat hanging out with Westwind, a black kitten with dysautonomia and megaesophagus, Faith, a blind cat who was rescued after being hit by a car, and Winter, a white cat with lymphoma:
Sharing a bed with blind Faith:
Finding a perfect place--in ourholiday wreath on the table and in our hearts:
Please follow this link to the family of special needs dogs and cats who live in our home.